The Birth of Thought

The Birth of Thought

Milton Syme

Written on Thursday, 22 May, 2014

How does one enter into the world of thought, ideas, words, expression and wisdom?

I find that it is as though life goes in stages. First the infant must rear his body into self identity, into self awareness or consciousness. Consciousness then comes, suddenly and unexpectedly, it seems, in a moment of solitude, like walking home from school, alone. Then, in this state of self awareness, the youth is smacked upside the face with reality, the result of being suddenly confronted with the enormity of information the brain had been processing but, up until that point, kept to it self. For some the information load is too great and they decline into a gentle, but sustaining ignorance, often through conditioned ideology, such as religion, faith, or some other moral structure, and live, more or less, happily ever after, depending on the moral structure they adopt. For others, ignorance cannot be reached, and those ones tend to sink down into depression, intoxication, and chemically induced denial and detachment from reality. Continue reading